Welcome to the May check-in for the 2024 Key Word Reading Challenge. We’re excited to host it again this year – albeit with a new “home” here at Chapter Adventure.

May Key Word Challenge Check-In
MAY– Library, Dark, Drown, Ex, Iron, Done, Love, Stranger
:: Your task is simple. Read a book each month with one (or more) of the key words in the title. Variations of key words are allow. For example: Drown, Drowning, Drowned are all okay for the key word ‘drown’. Follow @chapter_adventure on Instagram and Threads if you’re on there. And/or join our Goodreads Group (GXO Reading Challenges). Post about your read for that month on our monthly check-in post here or at any of the platforms previously mentioned with the hashtag #keywordreadingchallenge
:: Most importantly – Have Fun!
Thank you for your support !