If you like reading with a theme in mind, June is Audiobook Month, Pride Month and Caribbean Heritage Month (in the US). Here’s a look at a few bookish happenings coming up for the month of June.

☆ June Is Audiobook Month Audiobook Mini-Challenge (#JIAM ). Jun 1-30. Complete at least one of the challenges to enter giveaway. I’m participating and doing Love your Library mini-challenge (listen to 3 audiobooks from your local library).
★ #SciFiJune. Jun. 1-30. Time for a month of science fiction … and fantasy. And there will also be a 24-Hour readathon during on Saturday, June 15th at 10:00 am EDT.
☆ #AlltheBooksJun24. Jun 1-30. Share a photo for each daily prompt using the monthly hashtag. Check the hashtag to see all of the photos that have been shared for the challenge. Fee free to post and interact as little or as much as you’d like.
★ Bookmarked by Sarah Summer Reading Challenge. Jun 1-Aug 31. The goal is to read at least 5 books over the summer, one for each prompt.
☆ Camp Spooky Readthon. Jun 1-Sep. 1st. There are three monthly book prompts that you’ll be able to choose a book for, plus 2 bonus spooky bingo boards for you to complete throughout the Summer (optional).
★ 20 Books of Summer. Jun 1- Aug. 31. Fun is the key thing with 20 Books, there isn’t supposed to be pressure, just lots of lovely communal reading. Want to swap a book? Go for it. Fancy changing your list half way through? No problem. Deciding to drop your goal from 20 to 15 (or even 10)? I am fine with that.
☆ BookishFirst June Bingo. Challenge your TBR with the June Bookish Bingo Board!
★ BiblioLifestyle 2024 Summer Reading Challenge. Jun 1-Aug 31. The goal is to read at least 5 books over the summer, one for each prompt.
☆ #BigBookSummer. May 24-Sep. 2. Use the ease of summer to tackle a Big Book (400+ pages) or two or … however many you want! You set your own goals.
★ Adult Summer Reading Challenge 2024. May 1 – Sep. 2. It’s summer reading bingo style!
☆ SFF Summer Reading Challenge 2024. May 1st – Sep. 1. Explore the speculative genres like science fiction, fantasy, horror, magical realism etc. throughout the summer. Also hosted on Instagram.
★ Summer Scares Reading List. “Our bookshelves are getting haunted this summer!” Each year, three titles are selected in each of three categories: Adult, Young Adult, and Middle Grade. Go check out the titles for 2024.
Upcoming Book Awards
★ Jun 01. Bram Stoker Awards. June 1: The 2023 Bram Stoker Awards will be announced during the Annual Bram Stoker Awards Banquet held during StokerCon 2024 in San Diego, California. The Final Ballot was announced on Mar. 01, 2024.
☆ Jun 08. Nebula Awards. These awards honor outstanding works of science fiction and fantasy. The 59th Annual Nebula Awards Finalists were announced on Mar. 14, 2024
★ Jun 13. Women’s Prize for Fiction and Non-Fiction. The Women’s Prizes honor outstanding fiction and non-fiction written by women.
☆ Jun 24. The Locus Awards. These awards celebrate outstanding outstanding science fiction, fantasy and horror.
★ Jun 04. Thriller Awards. These awards honor the best novels in the thriller genre for the previous year.
What are your reading plans for the month? Are there any bookish events that I missed?
Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program is back, geared to those in grades 1-6.
Also, The National Book Foundation has a Summer Reading Program for Adults. Worth checking out – entirely online but with fun challenge prompts.