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Bookmarked 2024 Week 34

How has your week been? What have you been reading? I re-read an old favorite, Act Your Age, Eve Brown (The Brown Sisters #3), Talia Hibberts. I don’t read romance often, but when I do, it’s like nestling in a warm comforting blanket. Now, on to the 10+ things I bookmarked recently.

one+ What’s Everyone Reading These Days? I’ve been reading Everyone on this Train is a Suspect, Benjamin Stevenson, for the last few weeks, but I think I’ve finally hit a grove with it and enjoy reading little bits of it throughout the day. And because I’m reading a book set on a train, here’s 8 Adventure-Filled Books Set on Trains.

two+ This week we wrote about Liars and Amnesiacs: 3 Books With Unreliable Narrators. At least one of the books features an Unintentional Unreliable Narrator and I’m completely intrigued by this phenomenon. And also check out 6 Crime and Horror Books Featuring Unusual Narrators. These books are about unusual perspectives, and I loved The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold and Security, Gina Wohlsdorf.

three+ My eyes were opened by The coolest bookstore bars in America – because I didn’t know bookstore bars were a thing! This is totally my vibe.

four+ I’ve been trying to get to bed earlier, and wake up earlier … but if I can’t, then I read. Who Needs Sleep? 11 Books That’ll Keep You Up Reading All Night Long. What was the last book that kept you up reading all night?

five+ As a lover of audiobooks I cosign on How to Get Into Audiobooks. There’s some recommendations at that link, but also try any of these 7 Thrillers With Shocking Twists in audiobook format too. Aaaand currently there’s a sale at Audible – $0.99 for 3 months.

six+ How many of the 100 best-selling books of that last fifty years from The Times have you read? “To celebrate 50 years of the Sunday Times bestseller list, we have calculated the nation’s most popular books over the past five decades – how many have you read? … The list was the first of its kind in the UK, and not uncontroversial. This list is something else – some very old school books are on it!

seven+ I really enjoyed reading through The 10 Most Interesting Questions in the World of Books and Reading. I didn’t know audiobook sales were now on par with ebook sales – and I love audiobooks – but you know what?! I’ve been getting into eBooks a lot lately. I’m finding it easier these days to incorporate reading into my day with an eBook. Are you team audio, eBook or strictly physical copies?

eight+ Should we be talking about Fall already?! I’m not ready, but I am ready to look at the lists of juicy new books coming out – Goodreads Guide to Fall’s New Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Horror Reads and Readers’ Most Anticipated Fall Mysteries & Thrillers. There’s also Amazon’s Most Anticipated Fiction Books of Fall 2024 to peruse. This reads like a list of new books from popular (and some favorite) authors. Which of these books are you most looking forward to reading?

nine+ Didya also know that You can now read Kindle books on a Peloton?

ten+ Off the BooksWhat are you watching? I recently finished Savage Beauty (S1 and S2) and Master of the House (S1) – really enjoyed both of them. What should I watch next? Something from 39 Literary Movies and TV Shows to Watch This Fall? There’s so much that looks good on that list.

—- Cheers to the weekend and week ahead!

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